Looking for a nearby place to eat or shop? Just tweet Google an emoji

Find local stops with just a single pictogram.

Whether it be baked into Google Home or built surrounding the companies’ digital assistant, Google loves being able to overcrowd their web-searching function into pretty much platform they can.

And the next destination is …… TWITTER. Not only does Google allow us web users to search for close by establishments on the 140-character network, it can do it with a single emoji.

When you mention Google in a tweet (@Google, natch) alongside a emoji, it will link you to results for locations in your area that would best match that emoji’s intention.

E.G, if you tweet a shoe it would bring up local shoe stores whist a ramen symbol brings up nearby ramen stands in the even you are hungry and already in the process of browsing your news feeds.

The system is not exactly robust, only a small number of the 700+ of emojis give back a result. To keep users focused Google are additionally using the hashtag #KnowNearby as the systems need to match emojis logically to local businesses.

Irrespective of the limitations, this latest skill by Google teases what else their company’s technology can bring to third-party platforms such as Twitter, whatever else it does it is fun for everyone being able to use their favourite smileys.

And as a last thought to make us all laugh, if you tweet the poop emoji Google brings up results for nearly by flower shops with a caption saying you may “need a breath of fresh air.”